Healthy Tips With Ginger for Everyone


Healthy Tips With Ginger

Plant ginger has long been known and grown in Indonesia. Ginger is classified as herbaceous plants, tall, can reach a height of 40-100 cm and to the annual old. The trunk in the form of pseudo-stem made up of strands of elongated flat leaf with a pointed tip. The flowers consist of cone-shaped bunches of flowers with yellowish-white petals.

While its roots are often called aromatic ginger rhizome and spicy taste. Rhizome branching irregular, coarse grained, spreading horizontally. The interior of pale yellow.

Ginger has a scientific name Zingiber officinale. In Indonesia, each region has a different title, ginger (Aceh), bahing (Batak Karo), sipadeh or sipodeh (West Sumatra), jahi (Lampung), jae (Java), Ginger (Sunda), jhai (Madura) , pese (Bugis) and anaesthetized (Papua)

Ginger Benefits

Ginger had always been used as medicines, or herbs and various other purposes. Ginger stimulates the digestive glands, both to arouse appetite and digestion.

Ginger is used as a spice in cooking especially efficacious to increase appetite, strengthen the stomach, and improves digestion. This is possible because terangsangnya mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines are removed by volatile oil of ginger rhizome.

Oil of ginger contains gingerol a typical aromatic ginger, efficacious to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting, such as motion sickness or in young pregnant women. Also the sharp taste stimulates the appetite, strengthens intestinal muscles, helping to remove intestinal gas and help the heart function.

In the history of Asian traditional medicine, ginger is used to treat colds, coughs, diarrhea and bone diseases such as arthritis arthritis. Ginger is also used to enhance the cleansing of the body through sweat.
Modern research has scientifically proven benefits of ginger, among others:

* Lowers blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline and widens blood vessels, resulting in blood flow more quickly and smoothly and lighten the work of the heart pumps blood.

* Helps digestion, because ginger contains digestive enzymes are protease and lipase, which digests each protein and fat.

* Gingerol in ginger are anticoagulants, which prevent blood clotting. So to prevent blockage of blood vessels, leading cause of stroke and heart attack. Gingerol also thought to help lower cholesterol.

* Prevents nausea, because ginger can block serotonin, a chemical that can cause the stomach to contract, causing nausea. Including nausea due to travel drunk.

* Make the stomach to be comfortable, relieve abdominal cramps and helps remove the wind.

* Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.


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