Benefits Of Saliva
Saliva dripped not only a sign of someone being tempted by something kind of meal, but drops it, it has a meaning to find out whether a person's mouth healthy.
A new test that uses saliva, dental discovered by University of Southern California (USC), able to predict which children are most at risk of experiencing tooth decay and teeth which are most vulnerable to become hollow. The test called by the caries Assessment and Risk Evaluation (CARE), conducted in children, are able to find out how many cavities they will have when they have turned 30 years old.
The problem started when the cavities are foods that contain starch or sugar left on the teeth. Germs in the mouth will cause the food to be acidic, which eventually cause damage to tooth enamel. Damage to the teeth will cause cavities.
CARE test uses saliva to see the complex sugars that exist in the tooth. Although not all the complex sugars are bad, but some of which make germs on the teeth and cause tooth decay. CARE test is divided into 4 levels of damage for predicting cavities in the future.
This test was performed on 29 children aged 7-10 years and the results have been presented at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Currently, researchers are conducting tests on saliva of baby, before the first tooth. Long-term research is also being done Untk verify the accuracy of this test. If the result is good, it will really help children at high risk of cavities to take precautions so that as adults later to avoid the problem of tooth decay.
Although the amount of saliva or saliva of children and adults alike in number, lack of saliva production will effect dry and feeling uncomfortable. Dry mouth, but can be caused by sjorgen syndrome, lupus, diabetes and other auotimun disease. Also, it could be caused by some 400 kinds of certain drugs, including drugs for lowering high blood pressure and depression.
Other drugs are antithistamin, which is used to relieve asthma and allergies. When two drugs are used simultaneously, the possibility for the occurrence of dry mouth more than doubled. Dry mouth can also be isebabkan by cancer therapy using chemotherapy or radiation therapy is done in the area around the head or neck.
According to Richard H. Price DMD, a consumer advisory from the American Dental Association, mengatkan that saliva is the best bulwark against or prevent health problems, gum and tooth decay than diet and brushing teeth.
Saliva can reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and can add minerals that help teeth. "All the required nutrients tooth enamel in order to stay healthy like calcium, phosphorus, fluoride can be obtained from saliva," says Athena S. Papas DMD, PhD, professor of dental experts from Turfts University who studies the mouth drought in 1000 people.
No wonder, if every time you consume foods containing sugar, bacteria in the mouth to produce acid, so the teeth can lose calcium and phosphorus. While saliva contains calcium and phosphorus in it. So, can improve these conditions.
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